Shorten the construction time with fish farming tanks in GRP

– We have a customer who saved 30% on the entire construction period by choosing HighComp. That’s a significant difference, says Fredrik Faye, VP of Sales.

The entire company philosophy is built on prefabricated modules that can be quickly and easily transported to projects, no matter where in the world they are located.

– We have developed our specially adapted solutions for transport of large elements, where we have emphasized both the cost and effectiveness for the customer, as well as the environment, says Faye, and elaborates: – We have created reusable shipping frames in GRP that can be used for various tank sizes and projects. This makes us one of the very few that can deliver large elements in a dock-to-dock context, in addition to other shipping solutions for road transport and container shipping. The flexibility we offer in terms of transport is something quite few can provide.

Significantly reduces construction time

Unlike site-built fish farming tanks, HighComps tanks, makes it possible for you to perform groundwork simultaneously as the fish farming tanks are being produced in our factory in Lithuania. This helps reduce the total construction period of the project, and the tanks arrive at the construction site when it´s time for the installation.

– As a customer you want to get water and fish into the tanks as quickly as possible to start production. Our aquaculture tanks contribute to a significantly more efficient installation because two things can be done in parallel.

The shipping solutions that HighComp has developed and optimized allow for larger modules to be transported, which is cost-effective for the customer.

– This is a huge advantage. With large elements, you have fewer elements to produce, and therefore fewer joint meters. Both factors are crucial for the final price, says Faye.

Another advantage is that you can achieve complete assembly outdoors, or indoors, without risking delays due to weather or similar issues.

– The technical solution we have is very flexible. We don’t need a roof or dry conditions to do the set-up, which you would have needed if you went with one of our competitors. On one project, which we delivered in Iceland, we won because we could offer short delivery-time, and because the assembly could take place outside under the stars.

Read about our contract with Icelandic Landeldi, for its new fish facility, Deep Atlantic Station here.

Customized Transport

All projects are different, and therefore every solution at HighComp is tailored to each individual project.

– The first thing we do in a project is to look at where the customer is located. This is crucial for how we choose to solve the project. Then our engineers start designing the tanks and modules, and dimension them according to the loading requirements, explains Faye.

HighComp has Norway’s largest engineering departments – specializing in fiberglass.

If dock-to-dock transport is possible, it is the preferred alternative. If road transport or container shipping is necessary, the modules are scaled down to the maximum size within those limits. The fact that the modules are lightweight and stackable makes shipping easier.

– If the customer has preferences regarding shipping providers, we solve this together with the customer. Our shipping partners are well familiar with our products and are experienced with this type of assignments, says Faye.

Worldwide provider

Over the years, HighComp has become a globally known company. Fish tanks have been delivered to customers in Japan, USA, Canada and the Nordics countries, to name a few. Distance is no obstacle when you have highly regarded solutions for transport.

– On a project in Japan, our ability to provide the flexibility of container shipping was crucial. This project also shows that we have built a good reputation for our products and the quality we deliver. We were in competition with several other suppliers and solutions, including Chinese, but they still chose to go with us.

The next big project for HighComp is in Canada. With a customer we know well.

– We delivered fish tanks to Grieg Seafood Newfoundland back in 2018. Now they are expanding their facility and have once again chosen our solutions.

Read also about Grieg Seafood’s expansion of their new post-smolt facility in Marystown, Newfoundland.