Due to a high demand from our costumers, we have desined, built and tested a composite bridge with several different advantages. We call it LESS-STRESS™, because its less stressful for both the employees and the fish!

LESS-STRESS™ bridge from HighComp
HighComps walk-way-bridges have a beautiful visual design with high finish surface that makes it easy for cleaning. Our light weight bridges with a lifespan of 50+ years, are made in large elements, which decrease assembly time.
The name LESS-STRESS™, relates to the fact that our closed concept design has shown great effect on the welfare of the fish.
Clients are reporting that reduced noice and -visual impact from people crossing the tanks – results in a less stressed fish. Another advantage with HighComps composite bridge is the lack of dirt/bacteria ending up in the fish-tank due the closed design.
HighComp delivers up to 25 meter span without any support needed.